Genre: Pop / alternative
Best tracks: Every Poet Wants To Murder Shakespeare (#1), A Mindless Pop Song (#11)
We have to think that this band never made it big in part because they are a bad example of what to name a band. The tracks on this album, though, are fabulous. Fun harmonies and catchy rhythms combine on tunes that build from a base. The songs’ hooks pull you in from the first cords, the lyrics then keep you listening. Who would have thought that a tune called A Mindless Pop Song could make a profound and ironic statement on the state of modern music? Sadly, none of The Bad Examples’ other albums match the music genius of Kisses 50 Cents. Even more sadly, The Bad Examples don’t tour much anymore (though lead singer Ralph Covert does). Absolutely go and see The Bad Examples if they do play a gig near you — they put on quite the lively show.