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Three Books To Help You Survive Anything

Three Books To Help You Survive Anything

Three Books To Help You Survive Anything

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Poisonous snakes, cars careening off of roads into rivers, hurricanes and tornadoes, crashing planes stranding their surviving passengers on deserted uncharted islands, killer bees, gall stones, bad blind dates, eroding urban infrastructure—with these and many more everyday dangers it is amazing that anyone manages to live into adulthood.

Fortunately, there’s advice to be found. Here are three cool books that, taken together, will help you survive nearly everything:

The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
Three Books To Help You Survive Anything: The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
Cleverly written by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht, The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook is easily the most irreverent of the three books in this review. The advice it gives is real and well researched—or at least it is for the real world scenarios. The tips on how to get out of a sinking car can not only keep you from drowning but is written in such a short and snappy way that you could probably read it while actually sinking in a car. As for the book’s advice on how to survive a UFO abduction, well, we can’t vouch for the accuracy of that . . . yet.


When All Hell Breaks Loose
Three Books To Help You Survive Anything: When All Hell Breaks Loose
If you’re worried about the 2012 doomsday predictions, or think society-as-we-know-it may be on the verge collapse, author Cody Lundin has a book full of survival tips for you. When All Hell Breaks Loose is full of practical advice—including how to dispose of dead bodies, how to make a tuna can/fat oil lamp, and a whole chapter on “Crucially Creative Cooking”—while also devoting pages to more abstract topics such as the psychological effects of living through the end of the world. The book can’t seem to decide whether it should be serious or light hearted and so it ends up being both, painting a picture a depressing picture of a planet going wrong along with a dose of humor and cutesy cartoon drawings. We rather liked the juxtaposition, but if you’re looking for more of a studious read check out the SAS Survival Handbook (reviewed below).


SAS Survival Handbook
Three Books To Help You Survive Anything: SAS Survival Handbook
If we were lost in a forest, deserted on an island or standed behind enemy lines this is the book we’d want to have with us. And no wonder—author John Wiseman is a veteran of Britain’s Special Air Service and shares his extensive survivalist knowledge in this book’s 576 densely packed pages. The SAS Survival Handbook includes color pictures of edible plants, detailed how-to instructions on hunting and cooking animals, and first aid advice.


[via NPR]


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